Communication Inside Business


Letter-writing is an art. Very often in our daily life, we have to express our mind on paper. whether for the sake of passing the examination or to communicate our feelings and thoughts to another fellow. Letter is a medium of conveying our feelings to our friends, relatives or colleagues. It may be a business letter; it may be an official letter; it may be a letter of invitation or appointment or in whatever form it is, it communicates the sender's feelings to the recipient.
A letter should be written clearly and precisely as our good writing depends on these qualities. To be lacking in these powers proves our unworthiness. In writincr personal letters particularly. a sense of nearness. intimacy and simplicity should be maintained.  Naturalness,   not artificiality, is the main quality of a letter.
Letter can be considered as a means of sharing of ideas. There is perhaps no literate person in the world who does not write letters. Letters are the reflections of feelings, sentiments in one's personality. The pleasure one enjoys while expecting and getting a letter is something beyond comparison.
Letter provides exchange of views between two par ties through writing. It is a kind of written communication. Unlike other system of communication like telephone, telegram, letter has double effects. On the one hand the message is sent and simultaneously a record of it is created. Another aspect is that in letters there is no face to face contact between  communicator and communicatee.
Writing a letter means some sort of building a bridge with another person. It is like entering into a personal relationship. Hence every letter situation is a problem in hu man relations. The problem must be thought out clearly before writing. First of all the writer must have a clear purpose in mind, i.e., he must be sure about, why he is writing. It has often been noticed that many people who are otherwise warm and friendly become cold and rigid per sons in their writings.
While writing letters the writer create's a Cordial relation with the reader who can trust whole heartedly. So it must be remembered that the secret of good letter lies in its writing in a simple, easy and natural way. One should create a feeling of friendliness through writing letters.

Business Letters

A business letter is communication of information on matters of trade and commerce. It serves not only as a communication of information but it is a means of preserving record of the communication. With the remarkable expansion of business,  it finds  it very difficult to deal with its customers and suppliers in persons. Therefore it is forced to make
use of letters to maintain business connections. The let ters act as the main channels through which a business undertaking makes and keeps contact with the outside world. The reputation of a business depends in a large measure upon the quality of the letters which  are sent out and the way in which it is dealt with.
Now a days, even a new technique of mail order business has been developed. If the system of correspondence were to be abolished abruptly from commercial operators, then definitely the present commercial system shall be paralysed. It will not be too much to say that if the commerce is the body of the present culture and civilisation, then correspondence is its soul. In the absence of letters, affection can still grow, but not business. Every person in this world is a seller, a trader or if he does not sell goods, he definitely sells or purchases services and ideas. Therefore, correspondence has an important place in the life of every person. Though the wireless and the telephone are an effective medium of quick transmission of a message, yet their confirmation is only made through letters.
Mr. Herbert Kesson has commented, "Every letter going out from is your sales representative. If carries a message. It is silent, but not dumb. It attracts or
reples. It helps to make the reputation of a firm........."
Objective of Business letter
The objective of business letter is not just to inform the reader, but to influence his attitude and action. The busi ness letter aims not just to communicate with the reader, but to achieve the desired goal. For example, the objective of a sales letter is not just to get an enquiry  but to get an

Writers desire

A writer who bears in mind the reader's motives and feel ings and shape his messages suitably. The writer influ- ences the reader's feelings,   thoughts and actions in such a way that his response will be beneficial   to the writer.

The aim of writing letter is therefore not merely to tell some-
thing but also to create a favorable response. This is the psychology of letter writing in business.

Readers desire

A writer who thinks only of his own advantage and offers more to the reader does not succeed in getting the things done. For this purpose the "you" attitude is the secret of effective letters. It is an understanding of the readers motives and desires. Usually the readers will watch what ad vantage that he is getting. Therefore the letter writer must show the reader that it will be to his advantage to take the action suggested in the letter.
 Functions of Business Letters
In business, letter writing performs a number of functions.

They are

It helps a business house to seek or give the required information.
It promotes sales, i.e., creates demand for new products, or expands the markets for the existing products.
It helps a concern to buy its requirements
It helps a firm to collect the outstanding dues from the customers.
It helps a business to get the required credit from financiers or lenders
It helps a firm to adjust complaints.
It helps a concern to clear up misunderstanding
It helps a firm to enhance its prestige  and reputation and build up goodwill.
i. Business letters serve as a record for future reference
Business letters serve as written evidence of business transactions entered into.

Importance of Business Letters

There are many modern  communication  methods  avail able today, but the traditional  business letter remains an important means of sending printed messagea. As the busi ness letter acts as an ambassador for the company,  it is ' vital that it gives a good first impression. In this respect, it is good business practice to ensure good quality stationery and printing of the letterheaded paper. The business letter also conveys an impression of the company in many other ways
The importance of business letters is as follows:

The possible wav

No doubt, business relationship through personal contact is preferable to that by letters. But it is physically possible only within a limited area. In many cases, it is practically impossible. But letters can establish business connections all over the world.

Less expensive

Even if the establishment of business connections through personal contact is possible, it involves huge expense. On the other hand, the establishment of busi- ness relations through letters is cheaper.

Saves time

Time is money for a businessman. Generally personal talks will be long, and the long personal talks result in much loss of time.'-But such a difficulty will not arise with regard to letters, as they are generally short. Even if the letters are long, they can be kept aside during the busy time and read conveniently in spare time.


Of course, business transactions can be conducted through telephones or telegrams. But transactions effected through these means require to be confirmed   by written state-
  ments. Further, these means are costlier than letters.

Reaches destination

Letters can reach places where the salesmen fail to find access.

Characteristics of a Business Letter

While writing a letter. the writer should bear in mind cer tain principles to make the letter effective.


Correctness in every respect is the supreme quality of busi ness letter. The language used therefore should be accu - rate. The message should be appropriate to the situation. Appropriate expression is an essential aspect to be remem bered in business letters. Since identical words could be spoken in many different tones. giving rise to variant re actions of the reader, one has to be very careful in choosing words while writing a letter. Wrong or incomplete information is incorrect and it should be avoided. Incorrect drafting leads to waste of time and loss of goodwill to the organisation.


A business letter should be clear. It means that a business letter should be written in such a way that there cannot be any scope of misunderstanding. So it has to be written in plain and simple words and in a straight forward man ner. While focussing on clarity, one should take extra care to write the opening and closing paragraphs because they should leave a very good impression on the reader. The letter should be " to the point" with clear and exact expres sion as needed in all business writings. It is advisable to avoid commercial jargon and it is not appropriate to use indirect and meaningless words of expression. The language should be clear.


Fewest possible words should be used for writing. Well thought ideas should also be used. Using more words than necessary to express an idea makes the thoughts confused. It is more important to keep the letter brief. It should be remembered that long sentences are difficult to understand while short one containing definite information are easier. Clarity and consciseness  must go together.


A business letter should be courteous. It means that a business letter should be written in such a way that it may not offend anybody or give rise to any hard feelings. Good feelings are kept alive by the use of such words and phrases such as 'Thank you' for your enquiry ·we appreciate' for your immediate despach, etc,.

Length                    ·

A letter may be written by keeping the principle of optimum length. Though there may not be any fixed rule regarding the length, the optimum length follows the body which needs to present the message which is understand able to the reader. One of the things that increases the length of any writing beyond measure is poor use of language and bad writing habits. Avoiding the repetition and proper planning can reduce and control the message.

Beginning and end

The effectiveness of a letter depends on the beginning and end of the procedure of writing the letter. The opening and end can contribute maximum for the effectiveness. The function of opening sentence involves introduction, inviting response and presentation of back reference. The function of closing sentence is to tell the reader, the action to be taken and maintaining the goodwill.


While drafting the letter paragraphing is also an important task to the writer. The entire body of the letter may not be so long. Generally one single thought of the body requires one paragraph. It may further be divided into smaller units.

Qualities of Business Letter

Letters run or ruin business as a company's letters are its spokes people. The customers form an opinion of a firm from its brochures, notices and more often from the qual ity and tone of its letters. They would 'read' twice before placing orders to a company. While good letters look good on any company , bad letters ruin the prospects of even the best of them. Inferior letters often imply inferior  products and low quality service. Just as a man is known by the company he keeps, a company is known by the letters it sends.                                         ·
Simple and direct language is a virtue in all types of letters. Simple words are more forceful and communicative than complex ones. For example, get is better than rocure; start or begin than commence. Writing simple and direct English is difficult but it is worth the trouble to practice it. Simple letters simply come and conquer.
Choose concrete words and clear images. No virtue lies in obscurity. Decide what you have to say and say ex actly that. Choose the right word and convey just the right meaning using definite words. Short sentences are far more dynamic than lengthy ones. Do not write sentences which are so long winding that one tends to forget the beginning by the time he reaches the end. Prefer short sentences, for short are sweet. It is customary to use the passive voice in business letters. For example. 'It was decided by the Council.. ...' is much more commonly used than its active form The  Council decided ..........use the active construction as far as  possible. It is always better to be active than passive. Try to retain  the informal, conversational style in personal letter . Write as you speak,  complete with con traction s. If you hide your elf in a strictly formal style, your

 friends may not find you in your letters  and you may be sorely missed. Think before you write. Whether it is a business letter or a personal letter know well what you want to convey. Planning makes letters crisp and precise. There are many who write long letters because they just don't have the time to write short ones.

Some tips for good letters writing

Following are some of the useful tips for writing· effective business  letters:
While writing a business letter keep in mind whom you are writing to. Give all the information he needs clearly so that there is no guessing on his part.
Catch the attitude of the incoming letter and reply accordingly.
Use conversational language in the letter. wherever required .
Be clear, courteous and precise. Avoid ambiguity.
Be as polite and polished as possible.
Avoid using high sounding words. If the letter demands, the reply should be elaborate  and detailed one.

Discard stereotyped language.
Use effective phraseology.
Avoiding  monotony  and  dryness,  introduce  variety  in the letter.        
A long letter should be divided into paragraphs.
The opening should be  particularly catchy, as it has lasting impact on the reader.              -
Revise the letter before closing it. 13.Avoid repetitions .

Layout of a Business Letter

A letter represents a business organisation. So it must be attractive. Its spacing, paragraphing, typing should create a good impression to the reader. It should also have a dig nified letterhead and good quality of white bond paper. Business letters are typewritten in a single sheet of bond pa per. In a letter of more than one page, only the first sheet bears the letterhead. The size of the paper generally used is 81/ xl 1. The envelope should conform in appearance .

For reducing typing work and making the letter more attractive,  window  envelope can be used .
The letterhead preferably printed or eraved should contain the name of the company , the nature of the business and the address. The telephone, fax, e-mail, cable address and branch office, if available may also be included in the letterhead. A business letter generally consists of the following parts.

Inside address
Atten tion line
The salutation
Complimentary  close
Post script
Indentification mark
The  layout of business letter is given below



Your Reference Our Reference
Inside Address



 Post Script
 Identification Marks

 Complimentary Close

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